Tuesday, October 23, 2012

5 Months is too long!

It's been 5 months since my last post, but it's not entirely my fault.  I was busier than a bee but the store I was working for made me sign a contract stating I would not post anything on the internet that had anything to do with them.  So seeing as my cakes were a reflection of their business (a mighty fine reflection may I add) and I am kind of in a way trying to take business away from them, I decided it probably wasn't the greatest idea to keep posting my cakes on here.  However, can I get a drum roll please!? I have officially quit my job and may now post anything I would like regarding my former place of employment.  So, without further adieu, I bring you the last 5 months of cakes I have completed

                                                                                                  <3 Rachel